Simplify healthcare delivery and communication
Leveraging digital technologies to improve patient care
Treatment of today's medical conditions involves multi-specialty collaboration. Whether a therapy is FDA-approved or in a clinical trial, easily identifying the correct providers to bring to the "table" improves treatment times and patient outcomes.
Coordination of care poses challenges regardless of the practice type or size. Outpatient or inpatient, having a mechanism to assist with moving the patient efficiently through their episode of care improves patient satisfaction.
Team member communication occurs on many levels and via different modalities. A multi-functional, user-specific, platform to deliver and harness it all in one place carries significant value to its members.
Implementing intuitive workflows to improve healthcare efficiencies

Loop is a HIPAA-compliant app that connects care team members by improving communication, simplifying the referral pathway, and engaging patients.

Anamarc facilitates easy dissemination of educational information to the Loop community through an intelligent campaign management platform.
ValveTraq+™ provides a hospital system with an up-to-date, intuitive, and user-friendly application to assist in following all patients who are referred into a structural heart and valve program for consideration of open or transcatheter procedures